Pool Renovations
Are you looking to renovate or resurface your swimming pool? We can help extend the life and value of your swimming pool with over 30 years experience in the pool renovation and resurfacing industry you’ll be in good hands.
The Future of Swimming Pool Finishes.
Proven in Thousands of Backyards Worldwide.
EcoFinish™ -for fiberglass & concrete pools-uses polymeric compounds that should last up to 100 plus years. The manufacture gives a 10 year pro-rata warranty and we give 2 years on workmanship. Nothing else in the industry has a warranty like this. In theory, it should last the lifetime of the pool. They call it the Teflon of pool surfaces. Staining, fading, pool degradation should be the thing of the past. It doesn’t affect water chemistry- being PH neutral, waterline tiles don’t need to be applied- if that’s the look you’re after and algae issues are no longer a problem. EcoFinish™ also provides a waterproof membrane to protect the pool shell and helps to keep the heat in your pool.
Vinyl liners
We use Abgal liners when restoring vinyl pools. They have special additives that make it resistant to fungus and extremely low maintenance. They’re very durable, as vinyl is 15 times thicker than paint and will not chip or peel. It is ideal for pools in areas that are exposed to periods of alternate heavy rainfall and drought which is a common cause of cracking. Not good if you like to swim with scissors (it can be easy to cut), and it is important to keep your chemical levels to within Australian Standards. Vinyl offers the largest range of colours and patterns of all finishes.
Alternative Renovations
Paint/Plaster: A common choice. Quick, cheap and effective, no limit to colour options! Drawbacks are a tendency to oxidise and lift, peel and flake. May need re-painting every couple of years, depending on the quality of preparation work, paint used etc. Often used as a 'quick fix' prior to a house sale.
Fiberglass: Can be sprayed on over any surface, over a period of days. Smooth on skin, it is a cost effective choice, and there are plenty of professional pool installers who provide a 'respray' service. Much longer lasting than paint, and like vinyl, it's natural resistance to algae makes it low maintenance. On the downside, if you have had problems with your existing shell cracking, it wont be long before a new one also cracks.
Tiles: Suitable for a concrete pool only. A very attractive finish, but ranges from expensive to extremely expensive, depending on your tile selection!
Quartzcote: An attractive cement/quartz based finish which is rendered on. Comes in a variety of colours, and is also at the more expensive end of the scale.
Pebblecrete: Was very popular in the 80's - long lasting, but can cause cuts and bruising on soft skin during swimming. Vacuums can struggle to keep algae at bay with the rough surface. These days it is no longer just old brown pebbles though, as it can now be mixed with a variety of coloured oxides.
So every finish has it's own pros and cons. If you’d like to discuss a renovation on your pool fill out the form below or call us on (03) 5144 4041