One of the real tests of a great barbecue is… Can it cook the perfect steak?
The entire range of Weber Q barbecues are designed to do just that, so here's how we cook the perfect steak on the Weber family Q.
To light your barbecue, turn your gas bottle on and with a lid open, turn both control knobs to the start high position, then immediately press your igniter button.
Preheat on high with the lid down for around 10 minutes. It is very important to get your Weber Q nice & hot… not only will it brand your steaks perfectly but doing so will lessen the chance of them sticking to the grill.
Rest the steaks before cooking and get them to room temperature.
Some people like to coat their steaks with olive oil and then season with salt and pepper. The oil helps bind the salt and pepper to the steak to create a delicious crust.
If you want to do your steaks to medium, a steak that is about an inch thick will usually take about four minutes on each side. When possible, try to choose thicker steaks as they will retain moisture and allow for a crust to form on the outside without overcooking.
Place your steaks directly on the grill you should see instant smoke and the heat in the grill will already start searing the outside which is going to give your steaks a great flavour.
TIP: You can gently press your steaks, so they get maximum contact with the grill. Just like the Weber kettle the Weber Q is designed to always cook with the lid down. By doing this you'll achieve outstanding barbecue flavour that you just can't get when cooking with the lid open it traps the smoke locks in all the moisture and cuts grilling time down by as much as half.
After four minutes or so, it's time to turn our steaks over. We suggest only turning your steaks once halfway through the cooking time.
After another four minutes, the steaks will be done to perfection.
Be sure to rest your steaks for at least 5 minutes before cutting.
RECAP: The most important things to remember when grilling steaks on your Weber Q is to preheat on high for around 10 minutes, and always cook with the lid down. Only ever turn your steak once and rest after cooking…. and that’s how you'll get a steak with the most amazing flavour & texture.
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