Party tips for your pool or spa

Making sure your pool or spa is clean before, during and after a party doesn't have to be hard. Before you invite everyone over for a swim, read our tips on getting your pool party-ready and know how to get it back in shape once the party’s over.

*Pro-tip – let us know when your party is and we’ll do everything to ensure your pool is ready to go and cleaned up after!

Step 1 - Pool party prep (a few days before)

If you want people to swim, you need to ensure the water is sparkling! In the lead up to a party, you will need to test the pool water to make sure the water is balanced, and the chemicals in your water are at a safe level for swimmers. Bring in a sample to us and we’ll let you know the current condition of the water and advise on what needs to be done to correct any imbalances.

Then, a day or two before the party, use a clarifier like BioGuard Super Clear Clarifying Tabs and run the filter overnight if necessary. It helps clear up dull or cloudy water by combining tiny particles together, so the filter can remove them more easily.

For a spa, once balanced, add the recommended amount of a non-chlorine oxidiser as well as removing the cover if you plan to use straight away.

Step 2 – Get it clean (day of the party)

Make sure the pool is squeaky clean in preparation for all the swimming that’s about to go down!

Using a robotic pool cleaner like a Maytronics Dolphin will do almost all the work for you by covering the entire pool floor, walls and waterline in just a few hours! Alternatively, you can scoop, vacuum & brush it manually, you’ll then have to jump in to make sure your water is perfect ;)

Double-check the sanitiser (chlorine) levels and the pH on the morning of the party and adjust if needed. You can also add a dose of BioGuard Polysheen Plus, it’s the final touch for crystal clear pool water and will give your water a ‘polished look’.

Step 3 - The party’s over (sad face)

After a party, Remove all debris from the pool or spa such as streamers, paper, bottle caps, paper plates, plastic cutlery, etc. If a bottle cap or metal object is left on the bottom of the pool or spa too long, it could stain the surface.

Clean out all the baskets to improve water flow, both skimmer and pump baskets will have party debris in them.

Check the pressure in the filter and if it is not too high allow to filter for another 24 hrs (for a pool) or 2 hours for a spa to filter out finer particles. If the pressure gets too high, give the filter a quick backwash (1 minute with 1 minute rinse) or clean with the hose for cartridge & D.E filters.

There’s likely to be a build-up of organic wastes and Shock the pool with BioGuard Lite, or if you have a saltwater pool – BioGuard Salt Pool Sparkle to eliminate these wastes and any odours. If the water is cloudy, add the recommended shock dose of your sanitiser (chlorine for a pool, and bromine or Oxysheen for spa) and run the filter for a few hours.

We also suggest running the pump for 24 hours if the water is particularly cloudy.

Test the water the next day to check that it’s balanced and make any corrections as needed.

If you need any help rebalancing your pool or you’re just not feeling up to it, pop in with a test and we’ll let you know what you need or book a service and we’ll do the lot, click below to book online or call our Sale shop on 03 5144 4041, the Traralgon shop on 03 5174 7333 or our Bairnsdale shop on 03 5153 2552